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PostScript File Processor for .NET

Create, modify, and save documents in PS or PCL formats. Since Aspose.Words does not support loading documents in PS and PCL formats, this plugin is used only with the Converter plugin and the plugin to work with the desired import format.

Aspose.Words PostScript File Processor for .NET

Aspose.Words Processor for PostScript Files in .NET empowers users to either generate a document from the ground up or load an existing one using a format-specific plugin. Users can then make essential modifications, convert the document to PS (PostScript) or PCL (Printer Command Language) format, and subsequently save the final result.

How to Create a Chart in a PS File via C#?

  • Reference Aspose.Words in your project
  • Set your license keys
  • Create an instance of Document class
  • Create an instance of DocumentBuilder class, and pass object of Document class to the constructor
  • Use DocumentBuilder.InsertChart method to insert a chart of any type
  • The DocumentBuilder.InsertChart method returns an object of Shape
  • Access Chart object using Shape class to modify its title & series
  • Add chart’s series using Chart.Series.Add method
  • Call Document.Save method to save the resultant document

Get PostScript File Processor for .NET

Get the respective assembly files from the downloads or fetch the package from NuGet to add Aspose.Words directly in your workspace.

  • Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, or mobile OS with .NET framework, Mono, or .NET Core installed
  • Development environment - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010-2022, Xamarin, or MonoDevelop 2.4+

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Aspose.Words PostScript File Processor for .NET?

Aspose.Words PostScript File Processor for .NET is a specialized tool that allows users to create, modify, and save documents in PS (PostScript) or PCL (Printer Command Language) formats. It is essential to note that Aspose.Words does not support loading documents in PS and PCL formats directly, and this plugin is used in conjunction with the Converter plugin for the desired import format.

What features does the PostScript File Processor offer?

The PostScript File Processor for .NET provides powerful options for exporting files to PS or PCL format in .NET applications. Some popular editing options include setting color rendering, choosing the rendering method for effects and shapes, memory optimization, specifying metafile rendering options, anti-aliasing for rendering, and more.

What advantages does the Aspose.Words library bring to editing PS or PCL files?

The Aspose.Words library facilitates saving PS or PCL files with necessary changes without the need for additional tools, relying solely on the capabilities of the library. Additionally, users benefit from multiple levels of technical support provided by experienced Aspose.Words developers.

Where can I find more examples and resources?

Visit the Aspose.Words GitHub repository for complete examples and data files.


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