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eBook File Processor for .NET

Create, load and edit ebook files, and then save the result in EPUB, MOBI and AZW3 formats.

Aspose.Words eBook File Processor for .NET

The Aspose.Words Processor of eBook Files for .NET is an advanced document editing tool designed exclusively for e-book file formats. This plugin enables you to effortlessly load or create EPUB, MOBI, or AZW3 documents, apply a variety of modifications, and seamlessly save the edited document in the original formats.

How to Edit eBook File via .NET?

  • Reference Aspose.Words in your project
  • Set your license keys
  • Create instance of Document class, pass input file path to the constructor
  • Create an instance of DocumentBuilder class, and pass object of Document class to the constructor
  • Move in the document and manipulate using DocumentBuilder utility methods
  • Call Document.Save method to save the result

Get eBook File Processor for .NET

Get the respective assembly files from the downloads or fetch the package from NuGet to add Aspose.Words directly in your workspace.

  • Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, or mobile OS with .NET framework, Mono, or .NET Core installed
  • Development environment - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010-2022, Xamarin, or MonoDevelop 2.4+

Create a Chart in an eBook via C#

  • Reference Aspose.Words in your project
  • Set your license keys
  • Create an instance of Document class
  • Create an instance of DocumentBuilder class, and pass object of Document class to the constructor
  • Use DocumentBuilder.InsertChart method to insert a chart of any type
  • The DocumentBuilder.InsertChart method returns an object of Shape
  • Access Chart object using Shape class to modify its title & series
  • Add chart’s series using Chart.Series.Add method
  • Call Document.Save method to save the resultant document

More eBook File Processor Features

  • Find and replace text
  • Add, edit, or remove headings and subheadings
  • Insert, edit, or remove footnotes and endnotes
  • Manipulate bookmarks
  • Add, edit, or remove tables
  • Work with lists, bullet points, and paragraphs
  • Set hyphenation
  • Manage comments
  • Manipulate images, illustrations, and charts
  • Work with embedded objects

Create Bookmark in an eBook via C# .NET

Aspose.Words allows you to perform the same bookmark-related actions as Microsoft Word. You can insert new bookmarks, delete existing ones, move to a specific bookmark, retrieve or modify the bookmark name, and access or modify the text enclosed within it.

In order to create a bookmark using eBook File Processor, start by creating a new Word document. Initialize an object of DocumentBuilder for the created document. Start a new bookmark with the help of DocumentBuilder.StartBookmark, and name it, then write the text within the bookmark. End the bookmark using DocumentBuilder.EndBookmark. Finally, save the modified document with the bookmark as an EPUB file in the specified directory.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Aspose.Words eBook File Processor for .NET?

Aspose.Words Processor eBook File Processor for .NET is a powerful document editing tool tailored for e-book file formats, enabling users to create, load, modify, and save documents in EPUB, MOBI, and AZW3 formats.

What are the key features of this processor?

This processor allows you to find and replace text, manage headings, footnotes, bookmarks, tables, lists, paragraphs, formatting, hyphenation, comments, images, embedded objects, fields, and more in eBook documents. It offers extensive options for document customization.

What file formats are supported for loading and saving in this processor?

You can load EPUB, MOBI, or AZW3 files and save them in the same format. The supported formats include EPUB, MOBI, and AZW3.

Can I integrate Aspose.Words eBook File Processor for .NET into my product?

Yes, Aspose.Words eBook File Processor for .NET can be seamlessly integrated into your product, allowing you to work with various formats without relying on third-party applications.

Where can I find more examples and resources?

Visit the Aspose.Words GitHub repository for complete examples and data files.

In which industries can Aspose.Words eBook File Processor for .NET be applied?

Aspose.Words eBook File Processor for .NET is versatile and finds applications in various industries such as software development, retail, enterprise management, healthcare, banking, automotive, aviation, logistics, and the extraction industry.


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